June 16-20
Mon-Fri 8:30AM - 3:30AM
Join us for a fun and exciting way to stay cool this Summer! This camp is for ages 5 and up, all ASPIRE levels, Basic 1-6, Snowplow Sam 1-4, and Hockey 1-4 badge level skaters. We will have Intro to Figure Skating and beginning Hockey stick & puck breakout sessions throughout the week! Drop off is 8:30am and Pickup is 3:30pm. Our days will be filled with skating, games, yoga, dance, off-ice conditioning, & more! All ice time, rental skates and group instruction is included! Those interested in participating the hockey breakout sessions must have a hockey helmet with facemask and gloves. For free hockey gear, skaters level basic 2 and above can sign-up for Learn to Play Hockey weekly group classes. Questions? Email Lisa & Ben at skate@twinponds.com. Early Bird Pricing through March 1, 2025. Please register by June 1, 2025.